Blog Entries, Emotional Health

Can 36 Questions Help You Fall in Love?

loveI watched an amazing TED talk the other day and was totally intrigued by her story and an article she’d stumbled on in her research that posed 36 questions.  The questions were meant to help university students bond with each other, and was written in ’97 by faculty at various universities (see original link below).

What she found, is that some of the couples/pairings from the study not only became closer, they actually fell in love, one couple even getting married.  Then she did it with a close friend, and guess what?  They fell in love.  So she wrote about it and it went viral.  And her TED talk is the aftermath of what she learned.

Her story is much better told by listening to her TED talk, which I’ve placed here.  You can scroll down immediately for the link to the “36 questions”, but I encourage you to watch her talk.  If you don’t have a partner/spouse, consider doing it with your best friend, roommate, or anyone you’d like to feel closer to.  You won’t be disappointed.

My husband and I have been together as a couple for 40 years.  We did this after I watched her talk, and I was surprised at a few answers, but it prompted discussion, and we talk A LOT — and deeply — but some of these questions were so different, it allowed us to see each other even deeper.

Two caveats:  you can’t screw this up.  Your answers are your answers.  But BE VULNERABLE.  Here’s a chance to really show yourself to someone you trust!  Take a leap! What you learn can be invaluable.

Printable PDF of the 36 Questions

Original Article

Transcript of Mandy’s TED Talk

This entry was posted in: Blog Entries, Emotional Health


I'm a 18 year breast cancer survivor, RN, certified functional medicine health coach, graphic designer, wife, mother and grandmother. This blog is my story, and the result of a difficult and complicated struggle to regain my health. I hope by sharing my story and what I've learned, I can help others thrive the way I have been able to. Thanks for visiting.